Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blue Jeans and God

My sister attends a Very Conservative Church.

As with almost all churches, you have those that really live what they believe, and those that make a big show out of pretending to live what they believe. It's all about the recognition and the glory for the latter set. Unfortunately, a lot of those showier types tend not only to be primarily concerned with their reputations, but they seem to feel the need to police others' behaviors, as well. Whenever I meet up with one or two of these, the phrase, "Mind your own backyard!" comes to mind. I find these people tiresome and tend to avoid being affiliated with them, but there is always that random chance that some of whatever they're suffering from will rub off on you. In a word....Ick.

In this Very Conservative Church, my sister Lillian works in the Nursery. There are several helpers in there, one of them named Janice. Janice does not try to run with the proud little church crowd, she is one of those Real Christians that marches to the beat of her own drum. She cares more about what her God thinks of her than she does of her peers' feeble and fickle opinions.

This Very Conservative Church has a fairly strict unofficial dress code. People are 'allowed' to wear a pair of jeans to the services...but they'll get stared at, and possibly even shunned. Those not of this particular faith, who may be used to other churches' 'Come As You Are' services, are not aware of this initially. Usually, if they continue week after week to attend, they will be, at some point taken aside and encouraged by long-time members to wear a nice shirt and tie if they are male, and a skirt or dress if they happen to be female. This is a well-known 'unwritten rule' among the regular congregation.

So Lillian was surprised to see her Nursery co-worker, Janice, who is a lifelong member, in a nice pantsuit at church. By various and sundry staunch churchgoers, she was getting gawked at. People were wondering if she was 'losing the faith'. Lillian simply asked Janice why she was wearing pants. Janice, seeing that there were other adults around at the time, smiled at Lillian and said she'd tell her 'later'.

When 'later' arrived, she related this rather amusing, yet all-too common (for this and other congregations) tale. Anna, another Nursery co-worker who happened to be mentally challenged, showed up the Sunday before in a pair of jeans. She had the mentality of a five-year-old, loved working in the Nursery with the children, was eager to please anyone, and wouldn't hurt a fly. She hated nothing worse than to be told she was doing something wrong, and tried to be super 'obedient' in everything she did. She was a sweet little soul.

But a well-meaning Church Lady approached her last week in the Nursery and told her that it was 'hard to feel the spirit of God while she was wearing pants to church'.

Poor Anna had no idea....all she knew was that, unknowingly, she'd displeased God by throwing on a pair of jeans, versus a skirt that morning. She hadn't been trying to upset God or anything...she'd simply been trying to get dressed. And then go to church services like a good Christian should....Who knew that in the doing of this, she would actually offend... Deity...?

As Janice told Lillian this story, it became clear as to why she was wearing that sporty pantsuit just one week later. She was trying to make a point on behalf of her little friend, Anna. Janice was feeling the 'spirit of God' just fine in her pants at church, thanks very much. And she made sure to make herself very visible to the extremely self-righteous biddy that had made the rather idiotic comment the week before.

There are times that I find it hard to voice what I believe. I struggle with the words. But when it comes to seeing what I DON'T believe, that.....seems to flow.

I don't believe that God's blessings require a dress code. I think He could speak to you, even if you were buck-naked. I've had many a shower-time inspiration, so I know this is true.

I don't believe that you have to have your hands or arms or eyes or head a certain way to pray. I don't believe that knees always have to be bent. I do feel that this is a very respectful, and helpful position in which to worship, but it is certainly not required. I believe you could be standing on your head and still pray, and be heard. God is really kind that way.

I don't believe you have to use correct pronunciation, or grammar, or the proper words to have God hear you. He meets you wherever you are. If, for some reason, language issues or a stroke keep you from being able to form the words, He sees what's in your heart, and He still hears.

Come to think of it, when it comes to wardrobe... I've felt more spiritual in a good pair of broken-in jeans than I have in most other attire. No binding at the beltline or Dry Clean Only labels. I think our friend Anna was exactly right.

And God.....I don't think He was offended at all....or perhaps He was....but certainly not at Anna.

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